Lord of the Rings Card Game Moria Expansions Announced


The Lord of the Rings Card Game will be getting two new scenarios later this year from the game studio Fantasy Flight Games, Mines of Moria and the Escape from Khazad-dum.

For those familiar with the books or the movies, this was the section seen in the Fellowship of the Ring where the Fellowship fights off many goblins and the Balrog. Each set is to contain 7 quest cards and 70 encounter cards that will help players create their storylines for each round of the game.

It’s important to mention that this is an expansion to the base game so if you are interested in the Lord of the Rings Card Game, you can pick up a copy using the affiliate link https://amzn.to/38Iayvu!

Both kits will be easy to use together to extend the story of play. Each expansion is created for 1 to 4 players who will work together to accomplish the scenario cards that are decided upon at the beginning of the game. Each kit will be sold separately however so if you intend to get both the MSRP will come in just under $30. Otherwise each scenario set will run you $14.95

These new scenarios are expected to drop in the second quarter of 2020 so keep your eyes out for them Alternatively, you can pre order them directly from Fantasy Flight if you cannot wait by using the link to their announcement below!

Source: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2020/1/27/adventures-in-moria/