King of Potions - Potion Dice Set on Kickstarter

King of Potions have created very unique potion dice in a new Kickstarter campaign. The campaign is now totally funded and as of the date of reporting has reached 847 backers.

The Kickstarter Campaign contained stretch goals for some D8 dice as well as a carrying case for the dice.

  • The tiers go as low as $6 for the 3D print files to

  • $7 for one of each of the D4 and the D6.

  • For $9 you can get 4x the D4.

  • For $14 you get 6x the D6.

  • At the $16 dollar range you get 6x the D8 dice.

  • Cheers level at $28 you get 6x the D4 6x the D6 and all stretch goals are included free.

  • Double Cheers level at $52 gets you 12x the D4 12x the D6 and 2x all the stretch goals.

Personally I think these dice a really cool and unique. They don’t appear that they will roll normally or like barrel dice but more on their sides. The dice are also said to be balanced as well so they are fair to use for your actual game.

It would be really cool if they were able to make the remaining dice in a regular polyhedral dice set as stretch goals but that does not appear to be the case for this campaign. Regardless these will make a cool addition to a dice collection and will be a talking point when they get pulled out for play at your gaming table.

All these expect to ship anytime from April 2020 to May 2020 with the digital files celeasing December 2019. So consider giving this Kickstarter campaign your backing. At the time of writing this article there are 26 days to go with the end date being Tuesday December 24th 2019.
