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Disenchantment Season 3 Review

Disenchantment season 3 is now available on Netflix. Did the show make a turn for the better? Let’s take a look.

The story like the previous two seasons continues to progress forward, bringing back characters and locations from the past and continuing to expand them. This appears to be the biggest strength of the show. The longer that it runs and the more characters that continue to show up in episodes with their own quirk, the more Disenchantment begins to feel like it’s stepping into it’s own shoes.

If you are not yet caught up to the show or are looking for a review on season 1. You can also click here to get our review on season 2 here.

There is a good joke about character aging that is done halfway through the season that I felt was pretty good. That joke showed me that there are ways that this show can go to make good content and should try to accomplish jokes like that more often.

New Characters and a Location

That being said, this season introduces the new characters, but not so much new locations. Aside from the underground world beneath the castle in dreamland, the show chooses to just return characters to locations previously visited. This works work me as the characters from those locations are reintroduced and have progressed with the story.

The show also has some extra depth with the jokes, but still fails to be as dense as a Simpsons, or Futurama. It might be becoming less and less relevant to relate these two other projects to Disenchantment. But it’s hard not to with the brand of jokes and art style that the creators of the show are known for being here. The problem is that it’s few and far between.

The growing use of Steamland is something I can get behind. It’s a completely different environment that characters Bean, Elfo and Lucy are in. This season though it seemed that there was much less utilization of Lucy and more with Elf as Lucy gets left behind to look after King Zog in his deteriorating mental state while Bean and Elfo go off on the adventure.

This could be why I felt that this Steamland arc of the season was the strongest. the jokes landed better, the writing was more interesting and the plot actually felt it had some weight. But only some.

The end of the season sets up for another season to come in the future again with a recycled storyline of rescue Elfo. The writers had an opportunity to do something really cool with the last two episodes but failed to deliver sort of leaving the season to end flat.

King Zog

One final thing about this season. What the writers choose to do with King Zog in this season was simply just annoying from the first episode of the season to the last episode. It was constant and terribly annoying with his honks and noises. I understand that Zog is going mad during this season, but there could have been less of this as it made each episode harder and harder to get through. Especially since as the show continues, the quantity of the madness jokes increases until reaching a fever pitch where they just need to send him away.

Is Disenchantment Worth Watching?

Disenchantment season 3 has left me in a questionable state of wanting the show to continue or not. The best thing I can say about this show is that it’s something to watch. You are not going to be blown away by this show. You will get the occasional joke that lands, but each season makes it harder and harder to recommend watching this show.

If you are a hardcore fantasy fan, we leave it up to you with a shrug on if you should watch it or not and a “Meh.”

If you are a Futurama fan or a Simpsons fan, we say the same thing.

To everyone else, there are much better shows out there to watch that also deliver much more jokes are are more well done overall, skip this show at least until we hear that something good comes out of it. We are all left a little Disenchanted.

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