The Blob that Ate Everything


Fans of the Arkham Horror card game have something to look forward to in the second quarter of 2020 with the release of the new scenario expansion called The Blob that Ate Everything! This was first previewed at GenCon 2019.

One thing that I found really exciting in their press release on the upcoming scenario expansion was stated by Matt Newman, one of the designers on the project. He stated: “What I love most about this scenario is that it scales easily with almost any number of players, and that all of the players at the event—be it 4, 12, 48, or even 96—are in the same boat together.” -

Being able to play this scenario with large amounts of players is something that is always a really good idea and great for party games. I know many people that would be interested to give this scenario a go as a big group in the near future.

The blob will come into effect in the scenario via meteor hit outside of the town of Blackwater. With it, the game is much more social requiring everyone to work together and pool their resources to beat the game. There is fighting and clue solving involved that we have come to love with this series.

If you are looking for a cool new theme or are looking for the next adventure with the Arkham Horror: The Card Game series, then this is for you. You can pre order the product by visiting this link to the Fantasy Flight website: